
(Im)Perfect Home


Alright, so it's been over a year already since I moved to Berlin and into this lovely apartment, but I feel like the interior is only now coming together (which may also have something to do with the fact that I live alone now). It's not at all done in any way, but instead of wanting it all to be "perfect", I now focus on creating pretty or interesting areas. Displaying my favourite perfume, some marble pieces, new plants... it's really all in the details and I am starting to appreciate the lack of framed prints on my gallery wall and the result of a random creative outburst (love washi tape!) in my hallway.

Perhaps (my kind of) perfection is found in the unfinished, the imcomplete, rather than in perfectly polished styling. Not only does it continue the process of improvement, it also keeps things interesting because it makes people wonder whether something is done on purpose or not. I'd say the same goes for styling outfits... or if we take it a step further: actually life in general.

Perfection doesn't really show character.